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Terms of

Online dating, homemade sex, home sex, live video sex. The Sex Community is the adult version of It´s a free Adult Dating Site with Sex Chat and Sex Forum.

Dating site - Terms of Use

These conditions are issued by (the 'Company' created by ISN Services). Read these Terms carefully before registering. The agreement defines the conditions under which the website services, and the mobile application, (the 'Services') are provided by us for you and applies to all content of the website under the domain name (the 'Site') and the mobile application (the application) and any e-mail correspondence between you and us. Please read this agreement carefully before using this site.

By registering on this Site or on its mobile application, you become a Member (a 'Member'), and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement (the 'Terms') as long as you continue to be a member. Site visitors not registered as a member are also bound by these terms.


  1. A correct and respectful choice of the username.
  2. Do not write the phone number in an unallocated place.
  3. Do not write your email in an unallocated place.
  4. Do not send (or request) other means of communication, social networks (Email, Phone, Skype, Facebook, Hangout, Whatsapp, Snapchat, etc.) to the other party without prior agreement with the other party .
  5. Never send one of those communication methods from the start of the conversation, we are very severe towards this condition which for us is a basis for a social discussion 'What kind of woman gives you her number phone before knowing a little about you?'.
  6. Don't send hurtful phrases to the other party
  7. Do not insist, a person has the right not to answer. If someone ignores you, continue on your way.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to create multiple accounts on our application.
  9. An account already banned by the administration no longer has the right to open a new account with us.
  10. We will block any profile that records a personal or researched description, meaningless or unrelated to the desired purpose.
  11. Your account will be rejected if you log in using a private, hidden, or untrusted IP connection (IP address). It will also be rejected if you select a country of residence in which you are not currently located. ditto, the same conditions apply for the country of your origins.
  12. Your account will be banned if you post on the website (or send to any of the members) any offensive, racist, sexually explicit content, images of sexual or pornographic abuse, correspondence dating agencies.
    Any content that could be interpreted as promoting sex for a fee/practiced in exchange for another form of remuneration is prohibited.

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If one of these conditions (and without limitation) is not respected, the administration will be able to place an advertisement on your profile, advise against it, block or delete it without notice. A Gold account does not exempt you from these obligations and our terms of service will also be strict for Gold members.


1.1 By accessing any part of the Site, you must have accepted the terms in their entirety.

1.2 In addition, you must provide and be responsible for all the necessary equipment to access the website (some options require up-to-date browser versions).

1.3 The Company does not guarantee that the Site will be permanently accessible - without interruption or delay - and completely free of errors 100% of the time. The Company disclaims all liability for any breach of security, interruptions or delays or errors, which you may encounter on the site other than as provided in these terms.

1.4 Access to the site may be suspended temporarily and without notice, in case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond the control of the Company.

1.5 The Company reserves the right to modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, the Site (or any part of it) with or without notice and will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification or withdrawal of the website.

1.6 The Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently disable or delete your profile (or part of it) with or without notice and can not be held responsible to you or a third party for this action.


2.1 We reserve the right, at any time from:

2.1.1 Change the terms and conditions of the agreement;

2.1.2 Change the Website, including the removal or discontinuation of content or functionality of the Website; or

2.1.3 Change the user fee or membership fee for the site.

2.2. Any changes we make will be effective immediately after notice which we may provide assistance, including but not limited to posting on the website or email. Your use of the website after this notification will be considered an acceptance of these changes. Be sure to periodically review this Agreement to familiarize yourself with the latest version. Upon our request, you agree to sign a non-electronic version of this Agreement.

Terms of

Online dating, homemade sex, home sex, live video sex. The Sex Community is the adult version of It´s a free Adult Dating Site with Sex Chat and Sex Forum.

Dating site - Terms of Use

These conditions are issued by (the 'Company' created by ISN Services). Read these Terms carefully before registering. The agreement defines the conditions under which the website services, and the mobile application, (the 'Services') are provided by us for you and applies to all content of the website under the domain name (the 'Site') and the mobile application (the application) and any e-mail correspondence between you and us. Please read this agreement carefully before using this site.

By registering on this Site or on its mobile application, you become a Member (a 'Member'), and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement (the 'Terms') as long as you continue to be a member. Site visitors not registered as a member are also bound by these terms.


  1. A correct and respectful choice of the username.
  2. Do not write the phone number in an unallocated place.
  3. Do not write your email in an unallocated place.
  4. Do not send (or request) other means of communication, social networks (Email, Phone, Skype, Facebook, Hangout, Whatsapp, Snapchat, etc.) to the other party without prior agreement with the other party .
  5. Never send one of those communication methods from the start of the conversation, we are very severe towards this condition which for us is a basis for a social discussion 'What kind of woman gives you her number phone before knowing a little about you?'.
  6. Don't send hurtful phrases to the other party
  7. Do not insist, a person has the right not to answer. If someone ignores you, continue on your way.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to create multiple accounts on our application.
  9. An account already banned by the administration no longer has the right to open a new account with us.
  10. We will block any profile that records a personal or researched description, meaningless or unrelated to the desired purpose.
  11. Your account will be rejected if you log in using a private, hidden, or untrusted IP connection (IP address). It will also be rejected if you select a country of residence in which you are not currently located. ditto, the same conditions apply for the country of your origins.
  12. Your account will be banned if you post on the website (or send to any of the members) any offensive, racist, sexually explicit content, images of sexual or pornographic abuse, correspondence dating agencies.
    Any content that could be interpreted as promoting sex for a fee/practiced in exchange for another form of remuneration is prohibited.

If one of these conditions (and without limitation) is not respected, the administration will be able to place an advertisement on your profile, advise against it, block or delete it without notice. A Gold account does not exempt you from these obligations and our terms of service will also be strict for Gold members.


1.1 By accessing any part of the Site, you must have accepted the terms in their entirety.

1.2 In addition, you must provide and be responsible for all the necessary equipment to access the website (some options require up-to-date browser versions).

1.3 The Company does not guarantee that the Site will be permanently accessible - without interruption or delay - and completely free of errors 100% of the time. The Company disclaims all liability for any breach of security, interruptions or delays or errors, which you may encounter on the site other than as provided in these terms.

1.4 Access to the site may be suspended temporarily and without notice, in case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons beyond the control of the Company.

1.5 The Company reserves the right to modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, the Site (or any part of it) with or without notice and will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification or withdrawal of the website.

1.6 The Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently disable or delete your profile (or part of it) with or without notice and can not be held responsible to you or a third party for this action.


2.1 We reserve the right, at any time from:

2.1.1 Change the terms and conditions of the agreement;

2.1.2 Change the Website, including the removal or discontinuation of content or functionality of the Website; or

2.1.3 Change the user fee or membership fee for the site.

2.2. Any changes we make will be effective immediately after notice which we may provide assistance, including but not limited to posting on the website or email. Your use of the website after this notification will be considered an acceptance of these changes. Be sure to periodically review this Agreement to familiarize yourself with the latest version. Upon our request, you agree to sign a non-electronic version of this Agreement.


3.1 To become a member you must register on the website. If you register to become a member, you agree to provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information about yourself as requested by our registration form ('Registration Data'), and to maintain and update your information. so that they remain accurate, up-to-date and complete. You agree that we can rely on your registration data when it is accurate, current and complete. You acknowledge that if your registration data is false, inaccurate, out of date or incomplete in any respect, we reserve the right to advise against your account (as false or disseminator of false information) or simply to terminate this Agreement and your use of the website.

3.2 When you register, we will ask you to provide sufficient information to indicate that you are at least 18 years old. By becoming a member, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, which is the minimum age to become a member. However, we can not guarantee that each member is at least the minimum age required, we do not accept responsibility for any content, communication or other use or access of the website by persons under 18 years in violation of these conditions.

3.3 You or the Webmaster may terminate your subscription at any time, for any reason, from the sending of a written notice to the other party, or even without any notice. All contributions paid are non-refundable. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Service, without notice, in the event of violation of this agreement by you, which is brought to our attention.

3.4 Your service membership is for your personal use. You may not allow others to use your profile, and you may not assign or transfer your account to another person or entity. You can not have more than one account either.


4.1 As part of the registration process, you will be asked to choose a username and password. We may refuse to grant a username, or photo, that impersonates anyone else, is or may be illegal, is or may be protected by a trademark or any other right relating to property rights, is vulgar or offensive, or may cause confusion, which we determine in our sole discretion. You are responsible for the confidentiality and use of your username and password and agree not to transfer or resell your use or access to the site to a third party. If you have reason to believe that your account is more secure, you must immediately change your password by updating your account information, and notify us immediately by writing to us. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR maintaining the confidentiality of your identifiers and for any and all activities that are conducted through your account and restrict access to your computer to prevent unauthorized access after registration.


5.1 This site is 100% FREE for residents of Italy and some other countries (which may change at any time depending on the situation).
For security reasons, connections from VPNs, ip blaclisted or hidden or passers by proxy will not be free, even if they come from the main country of the site (Italy) .
- A payment gives you the right to use this site in case you are part of the unauthorized connections on our website, but you do not absolutely have the right to disobey our rules and terms of use, and therefore your account may be banned, without notice, and no refund will be made.
- A Gold account posting false or inconsistent information is considered a false profile, and will be banned without a pre-notice.

6. Driving online

6.1 As a member, you agree that:

6.1.1 You are solely responsible for the content or information you post or post (hereinafter, 'post') to the Service, or to other members.

6.1.2 You will not post on the Service, and you do not transmit to other members or employees, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented offensive, threatening, harassing, racist, or unlawful, or any material that infringes or violates the rights of any third party (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights and privacy rights and advertising).

6.1.3 You will use the Service in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. You may not include in your profile phone numbers, addresses, names, URLs, email addresses, offensive references or vulgar language, or any confidential information of a third party, and you will not post pictures or other images containing personal information.
We reserve the right to reject any profile or photo or image that does not comply with the following prohibitions:

(a) You must not impersonate another person or entity;

(b) You must not 'stalk' or harass anyone;

(c) You must not advertise or solicit other members to buy or sell products or services through the service. You will not transmit strings, spam or junk mail to other members;

(d) You express or imply that statements are not supported by us without our prior written consent;

(e) You must not collect or collect personal information about other members for any commercial purpose without their express consent;

(f) You must not use any bots, application / recovery search site, or other manual or automatic device or process to recover, index, 'mine of data', or in any way reproduce or bypass the navigation structure or presentation of the site or its contents;

(g) You will not post, distribute or otherwise reproduce any copyright, trademark, or other information without the prior consent of the owner of such proprietary rights;

(h) You will not remove the copyright, trademarks or other proprietary rights contained in the Website;

(i) You will not interfere with or disrupt the Services or the Site or the servers or networks connected to the Services or the Site;

(j) You will not post, email or otherwise transmit any element containing computer viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software or hardware or telecommunications equipment

(k) You do not create by manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information transmitted by the Service;

(l) You must not copy the site or part of the site and the mobile application. You may not use metatags or any code or other device containing references to Sites or Third Party Services to direct a person to another website;

(m) You must not modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile, disassemble or cause our services or any portion of our services;

(n) You are solely responsible for your interactions with other members. We reserve the right, and without obligation, to remove bogus members and the respectful snon, to monitor disputes between you and other members;


7.1 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company against all claims, costs and costs (including legal fees) incurred or suffered by us as a result of or in connection with (i) your violation of this agreement; (Ii) any allegation that any material you submit to us or transmit to the infringing Site or violate the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property or other rights of any third party; and / or (iii) your activities in connection with the Website, except as a result of your compliance with our requirements.


8.1 opinions, advice, statements, offers or any other information or content made available by the Service are those of their respective member-authors and not of the website, and should not be relied on. These members are solely responsible for this content. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information about the Service, and do not endorse or be responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinions, advice or statements made. In any case, Site responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the trust in the information or other content posted on the Service or transmitted to the members.

8.2 The Site may contain links to other sites or resources operated by parties other than the Company. the inclusion of the Company's hypertext links to these sites does not imply endorsement of the content of these sites or any association with their operators. You acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable for the legality, accuracy or improper nature of any content, advertising, products, services or information located on or through any other web site or for the operation or policies of those websites, nor for any loss or damage caused or that would have been caused by the use or reliance on such websites or the information contained or otherwise.

8.3 Links to third party sites on this website are provided solely for your convenience. If you use these links, you leave the Site. If you decide to access third-party websites linked to the Website, you do so entirely at your own risk.


9.1 Other members or users (including unauthorized users, or 'hackers') may post or transmit offensive or obscene material about the service, despite our monitoring and tracking, and you may to be involuntarily exposed to these offensive and obscene materials. Please carefully choose the type of information you post on the Service and avoid distributing your personal information easily.

9.2 To keep our sevices clean, we reserve the right, but without obligation, to monitor the material displayed in all areas of the function. We give ourselves the right to remove any material that violates or is found to violate the law of this Agreement. You remain solely responsible for the content of the documents you publish in all areas of the service and your private messages. Emails sent between you and other members that are not readily available to the general public will be treated as confidential by us to the extent required by applicable law and in accordance with the commercially reasonable efforts of our services.


10.1 The Site, its design, layout, appearance and graphics and any software used necessarily in connection with the Services and the Site is the exclusive property of the Company.

10.2 Any content contained in the advertisements or information presented to you through the site is protected by copyright, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights.

10.3 Unless otherwise stated, copyright and other intellectual property rights in all materials on the Website are the property of [or authorized by the Company]. In addition, other members may post information, which has copyright protection or not, it is identified as copyrighted copyright. Except for this information that is in the public domain or for which you have received permission, you will not copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, display, display or sell any such information.

10.4 by posting information or content on any area of ​​the Website, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, on the Website and other Members an irrevocable license, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, display, display and distribute such information and content and prepare derivative works, or incorporate them into other works, such information and content, and grant and sublicense the foregoing.


10.6 We respect the intellectual property of others, and we ask our members to do the same. If you believe that a copy of your work is available on the website without your consent or that a copyright infringement has otherwise occurred, please provide us with the following information:

10.6.1 A description of the work you say violated;

10.6.2 Details of where counterfeit material is on the website;

10.6.3 Your address, telephone number and email address;

10.6.4 A statement from you that you believe in good faith that the use of the work on the Website is not authorized by the copyright owner or any person authorized to act on their behalf or by the copyright owner law; and

10.6.5 An affidavit signed by you certifying that the information you provide regarding infringing copyright is accurate and that you are the copyright owner authorized to act on their behalf.


11.1 We will respect your personal information and comply with all applicable data protection legislation in the main country of the site (Italy) and other country where we offer our services, subject to the site's privacy policy.

11.2 Personal information (including sensitive personal information) that you provide to us will be stored on a computer. You authorize us to use this information to establish a profile of interests, preferences and browsing habits and to allow you to participate in the function of the site. All members also agree to support and maintain our privacy policy and its terms and conditions.


12.1 By participating in this site, you agree that under no circumstances may the Company or its agents, officers or employees be held liable or liable for: any content omitted from the Website; the dependence of any person on such content, whether or not the content is complete, current or not; defects that can be found on the website.

12.2 The Company can not be held responsible for any damage or loss caused as a result of your doing, or not doing anything as a result of reading, viewing or listening to any material, or part of it, on the website.


12.4 The opinions expressed on the Website do not necessarily reflect the views of the Company. All content and advice received through the website, are not intended, and should not be relied upon, by personal, professional, legal, religious or any other decisions you may make. Instead, you should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your situation.

12.5 Material on the Website may be susceptible to data corruption, interception and unauthorized modification for which the Company disclaims any liability or liability. The Company declines all responsibility for the presence of computer viruses contained in any material on the site, whether read, seen, listened to, copied, downloaded, printed or accessed by any other means. The Company assumes no responsibility for losses caused as a result of any computer viruses contained in any material on the website.

12.6 Advertisements (including banner ads and pop-ups) on the site do not imply endorsement of advertised services or products. The Company can not be held responsible for any advertised services or products, nor can the Company be held liable for any damage to your computer equipment, software, data or other goods as a result of your viewing, or responding to advertisements (including banner ads and pop-ups) listed on the site.

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12.7 The Company does not warrant that the Site will be compatible with all hardware and software that may be used by you. The Company will not be liable for any damage to your computer equipment, software, data or other property as a result of your access, use or navigation of any material on the Website. p>

12.8 If your use of material on the site results of the need for maintenance, repair or correction of equipment, software or data, you will be responsible for all costs thereof.

12.9 Nothing in these conditions shall exclude any liability of the Company, which can not be excluded or limited by applicable law.

12.10 Subject to Article 11.9 you enter the Website at your own risk and if you are not satisfied with any part of the Website, or any of these Terms of Use, your sole and unique remedy is to stop using the Site.


13.1 Our Company is not liable to you for any loss, consequential or incidental damages or expenses (including loss of profits, business or goodwill), INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROGRAMS, COST OF ACQUIRING SUBSTITUTION SERVICES OR SERVICE INTERRUPTION ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICE OR THE WEB SITE, and we will have no obligation to pay money for you as compensation other than to reimburse the amount paid by you for the services.

13.2 In addition, the site declines any responsibility, whatever the form of the action, for the acts or omissions of the other members or users (including unauthorized users, or 'hackers') of the Service.

13.3 Some jurisdictions limit the enforceability of exclusions and limitations of liability and the above warranties and disclaimers and limitations of liability may not apply to you.

13.4 We will have no liability to you for any failure to provide services to you if caused by an event or circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lockouts and other conflicts from work, breakdown or systems or network access, flood, fire, explosion or accident.

13.5 Although we have limited our liability to this section 12 nothing in these Terms limits our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence and nothing affects your rights.


14.1 We are listening, we follow our men and we do not hesitate to help them especially when they are disturbed by other members. To resolve a complaint about the service or website, you must contact customer support using Contact for on the website


15.1 If any part of this Agreement is unenforceable including any provision in which we exclude our liability to you by the enforceability of any other part of these Terms will not be affected.


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16.1 You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our terms and conditions Privacy Policy and Website.


17.1 The Company may assign the agreement or subcontract all or part of its rights and obligations under the Agreement. You may not assign, transfer, charge or otherwise deal with the Agreement or any of its rights under it without the prior written consent of Website.

17.2 The agreement terminates immediately and without notice if you fail to comply with the terms, subject to the survival of all rights and website bookings.

17.3 A person who is not part of this agreement does not have the right under contracts (rights of third parties) Act 1999 to apply a term of this agreement, but this does not affect the rights or third party remedies that exists or is available independently of this law

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17.4 The contract between us shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the land and the courts competent to settle any dispute between us.

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17.5 These conditions and our current website prices, contact information and privacy policy set out our entire agreement relating to the supply of the goods to you by us. Nothing says by any sales person on our behalf should be understood as a variation of these terms and conditions or as an authorized representation on the nature or quality of the products offered for sale by us. Except for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation we shall have no liability for such representation being false or misleading.

17.6 Unless otherwise expressly stated, the Terms will survive the termination of your service membership.

17.8 The member certifies having read and agrees to be bound by all the conditions contained in this document.

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